Nueva entrega de Father John Misty de su aclamado último álbum.

‘Pure comedy’ (abril de 2017) es un trabajo del que el estadounidense no ha dejado de cosechar éxitos; de su tercer disco de estudio, Father John Misty ya nos presentó su single homónimo al que le siguieron ‘Two wildly different perspectives’, ‘Ballad of the dying man’ y la vibrante ‘Total entertainment forever’. Ahora es el turno de ‘Things it would have been helpful to know before the revolution’. Con ella, vuelve a la carga con una nueva historia de animación mediante stop-motion donde habla de incomunicación, soledad y avatares de la vida social actual.

Para la preparación de este vídeo, dirigido por Chris Hopewell y editado por Tom Weller, ha contado con los animadores Roos Mattaar, Cadi Catlow, Virpi Kettu y Louis McNamara.

En cuanto a su gira, no hay fechas para España hasta noviembre; por el momento se le verá únicamente por Canadá, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y Francia, entre otros destinos.

Ya en otoño Father John Misty, como ya te anunciamos meses atrás, tiene dos citas con su público español. Las entradas tienen un precio de 32 euros:

  • Razzmatazz (Barcelona) 18 DE NOVIEMBRE
  • La Riviera (Madrid) 19 DE NOVIEMBRE

Te dejamos también la letra de esta canción:

Things It Would Have Been Helpful To Know Before The Revolution

It got too hot
And so we overthrew the system
‘Cause there’s no place for human existence like right here
On this bright blue marble
Orbited by trash 
Man, there’s no beating that
It was no big thing to give up the way of life we had

My social life
Is now quite a bit less hectic
The nightlife and the protests are pretty scarce
Now I mostly spend the long days
Walking through the city
Empty as a tomb
Sometimes I miss the top of the food chain
But what a perfect afternoon

Industry and commerce toppled to their knees
The gears of progress halted 
The underclass set free
The super-ego shattered with our ideologies 
The obscene injunction to enjoy life
Disappears as in a dream
And as we return to out native state
To our primal scene
The temperature, it started dropping
And the ice floes began to freeze

From time to time
We all get a bit restless 
With no one advertising to us constantly
But the tribe at the former airport
Some nights has meat and dancing
If you don’t mind gathering and hunting
We’re all still pretty good at eating on the run
Things it would have been helpful to know before the revolution

Though I’ll admit
Some degree of resentment
For the sudden lack of convenience around here
There are some visionaries among us
Developing some products
To aid us in our struggle to survive

On this godless rock that refuses to die